Syllabus Design

Name and Roles
Commented On
Darbi Strahle
 Edits, Learner to Learner, Table 3, final formatting, loaded Syllabus to Blog
Group 2: Learning Styles (Ray, Katherine, Beatrice, and Nate)
Jill Ertel
Edits, rationale, Second Life information, format of syllabus, workshop advertisement, P-K-L worksheet
Group 4
Mary Henehan
Edits, introduction, end of rationale, objectives, Facilitator to Facilitator, process, APA format and references, Appendix C
Groups 2, 3 and 4
Kristin Wheeler
 Edits, objectives, Facilitator to Learner, highlights, final formatting
Group 2: Learning Styles (Ray, Katherine, Beatrice, and Nate)


  1. I think you guys did a wonderful job of incorporating the learning cycle into this syllabus. It gives a great description of how to move from each cycle through activity. I really like the P-K-L worksheet, which allows for reflection and connection. Great job guys!!

    1. In my opinion, I believe you all created a great and theory syllabus. It was very detailed and had a bunch of different interactions going on. I liked how your group incorporated the learning cycle into the design. Overall, I think this design will be very helpful in determining a student success. Great job!

  2. You did a very thorough job on this projects. I was quite interested in the avatar based on-line environment. I would be fascinated to see how that would actually play out. I could see how for some it would feel much more "real" and interactive and for others it might border on being "too cheesy" and create a barrier to them accepting it. Personally, I think it sounds like FUN! How can we get Ball State to incorporate that into our class discussions?

  3. I checked out SecondLife and I didn't realize there were many applications to the use of avatars or virtual reality in learning. It was different that what I had expected. In the chemistry video, the instructor brought out how the application aids in making neural connections for the students, especially when they are building molecules and putting together the structure of an atom. Way too cool!

    I like the incorporation of SecondLife to the adult learners. The syllabus would sound ideal for a community college faculty seminar. Good job!

  4. Great job on your syllabus. I do love the way you were able to be very detailed with both your rationale and with your syllabus/agenda. I think this gives clarity to your learners on exactly what they are supposed to learn. I really like the idea of doing the post workshop session as well. I think it is important for learners to be able to put into action what they have learned, and have the ability to reflect on the process. Great job!



  5. Jill, Darbi, Mary, and Kristin,

    This is a well-written design paper! I really like that you added P – K – L Worksheet, Materials needed for Facilitators and Room Arrangements, and Workshop Advertisement! They make your design paper authentic!


    1. The goals and learning objectives are not clear in your design. It looks like that you want learners to learn relationships in learning. But then you added Kolb's experiential learning cycle, which is confusing. If the learning objectives and goals are not clear, it is hard to recruit the learners.

    2. What is the purpose of adding the following activity? How does this relate to relationship and learning?

    Watch video: TEDtalk: The life-long learner
    Whole group discussion: Based on video, answer the following question:
    • How Do We Foster a Culture of Lifelong Learning?


    In this workshop, adult educators will be learners, and will share ideas with the workshop facilitators and fellow participants in a safe, collaborative learning environment.

    --- Share ideas about what? Again, since the objectivities are not clear, it is hard for your learners to know what they are going to learn in this workshop.


    Learners will complete a learning cycle and have access to an actual learning community before and after the workshop using Kolb’s learning cycle.

    --- If your topic is about relationship in learning, then your rationale should be relationship in learning, not experiential learning.

    Rationale will provide us the theoretical ideas of how you designed your workshop.

    5. Workshop Advertisement

    --- It is a very good idea to advertise the workshop! However, what you described in this appendix is more like the instructions for the workshop. If you do want to promote the workshop, you need to tell your readers the purpose, objectives and the main activities for this workshop.

